- Tournament Date: June 21-22, 2025
- Graduating Years: Classes 2029 - 2034
- Tournament Cost: 2,495
- Event Type: Tournament
- Game Guarantee: 5 Games + Playoffs
- Event Format: Championship Style
- Location 1: Western Connecticut State DIVISIONS TO BE ANNOUNCED
- Location 2: Onatru Farm Field DIVISIONS TO BE ANNOUNCED
Event Details
Prime Time Lacrosse is excited to announce the date for our annual Prime Time Youth Summer Invitational Tournament the weekend of June 21st & 22nd, 2025! The Prime Time Summer Invitational is one of the premier Youth AA tournaments in the country made up of the countries elite club teams.
This years event is for the graduating Class of 2029, Class of 2030, Class of 2031, Class of 2032, Class of 2033 and Class of 2034. Our event offers elite club teams the opportunity to compete in a championship format with 5 games guaranteed.
This event is a USA Lacrosse Age Verified tournament and players must fit into the 15 month birthday window.
If you think your club has what it takes to compete with the best, email Prime Time Event Director Courtney Lewin at Courtney@PTLacrosse.com.
Hotels & Lodging

Athletes Hospitality has secured discounted rates at tournament approved hotels in order to accommodate the needs of all of the teams attending our tournaments.
All Prime Time Lacrosse tournaments will be STAY TO PLAY events so that any teams attending our events that are located 60+ miles away have to book their hotels through Athletes Hospitality in order to participate in our events. Athletes Hospitality will make sure that all teams are taken care of and in a hotel of their choosing. If you have any questions please feel free to reach out to Team@Athleteshospitality.com or by calling 914-402-8070
Hotels Offered by Athletes Hospitality
Next Level Video

Birthday Division Guidelines
These are the birthdate guidelines for PrimeTime and member participation.
All players shall not be born before the above mentioned dates in order to compete in that grad year.