Prime Time Girls Winter Training

Exclusively for our Prime Time players, our girls weekly training sessions will be held on Tuesday & Thursday nights at Elev8 Athletics.
  • Days Tuesdays
  • Days Thursdays
  • Time 60 Min Session
  • Sessions 12-15
  • Player Eligibility Team Members only
Elev8 Athletics
317 Railroad Avenue
Bedford Hills, New York 10507
Get Directions

Girls Training Program

Executively for our Prime Time players we offer our elite training sessions at Elev8 Athletics on Tuesday & Thursday nights! This hour training session is structured to provide high level positional development, lacrosse fundamentals and to install the finer points of a players lacrosse IQ.

These sessions are staffed with all our premier coaches in addition to speciality training for Goalies . For more information on these training sessions email Prime Time Girls Directors.

Training Schedule Coming Soon!